Monday, June 28, 2010

This post is dedicated to the letter P for procrastination and my ever-leaking sinuses

This post is an uncomfortably accurate (at least some of the time) and hilarious summary of my life: This is Why I'll never be an Adult, from Hyperbole and a Half. Especially lately.

On the plus side, it appears that Summer! Is! Finally! Here! HOORAY! Thursday-Sunday all sunny, all warm, all the time. OK, today is kind of cloudy. But enh, Mondays, what do you expect? The weekend was fabulous, there was beer, and I got the weirdest shaped sunburn ever. Oooh, I should post a picture!

I finally broke down and am trying the nasal sprays. They make me nervous; I like my sense of smell and I'd really like it to stick around. Step right up and spin the Allergy Med Wheel! I'll take possibly efficacious? for $200, Bob. Current survey says not very, but I'm supposed to go for more than a day. What fun side effects will be involved with THIS one?


fillyjonk said...

Oh, my gosh. That "I DID THREE THINGS! THE THINGS, THEY NEVER STOP!!!" could be me and grading.

I also love her Alot post. A lot.

alittleweirdo said...

Good luck with the allergy med search! It's amazing how ineffective most allergy meds are...

Carrie #K said...

Drowsiness and the inability to think/drive? That should dovetail neatly with the adult responsibility thing though. You can blame your meds.

So how did they work?