So. I started dyeing for sale last year.
I kept meaning to mention it here but no time ever seemed right and then the winter happened and then I quit my job. Sorry, I haven't ever mentioned that either. It just wasn't working out, and I wanted the summer off, and I could afford it, and I couldn't stop thinking about how my Dad hadn't retired for so long and kept deferring things. It also freed up time for me to spend with my Mom and brothers and my brother's family. Well, I was GOING to take the summer off and then dyeing kind of took over my life.
I've been selling at a local store, Twisted, and while I had a full time job I could barely keep them supplied, let alone do any online sales. Then they asked me last winter if I was interested in doing Sock Summit with them; they'd be featuring the work several local dyers. Since I came back from visiting Mom in May I've been dyeing like crazy, trying to get ready.
Well, we set up the booth yesterday. I still have a hard time believing that this is all my yarn. But I'm doing this because it fills me with pleasure to play with color and texture. It's wonderful to have people tell me they like knitting with my yarn, and show me their projects -- I had a hand in their creating something unique, something beautiful.
Yes, I do have an etsy site, but I'm not going to mention it now because it is so very sad and empty because EVERYTHING is at Sock Summit right now. I have plans to finally get it up and running later in the summer. I don't really want to turn this into a dyeing blog. I just like to ramble here. But I'll post it then.
Anyway, if you happened to be at Sock Summit, I'll be working at the Twisted Booth, #300, Saturday & Sunday mornings and early afternoon. Come by and say hello, I'd love to meet you. I'll be the one with kind of a dazed look on my face, grinning.
I thought you were going to tell us you were pregnant. :p
That's great! Good for you! I look forward to making a purchase when you have some stuff available again.
Can't wait to see all your lovely handdyed yarn in person! Hope to see you in the Marketplace on Sunday - I have a few hours free before I'm volunteering in Franklin's afternoon class :)
Well done, you! Can't wait to see your goods online!
Um. That didn't sound right.
I'm so glad they're featuring you! Your yarns are amazing and they're gonna sell like hotcakes. Can't wait til the etsy shop's up :-) Have a good time at the Summit!! I'm just sliiiightly jealous of everyone still in Portland right now... :-P
Awesome!! I only wish I was coming to Sock Summit now, but alas, no. That yarn looks so gorgeous I'm sure they will l go to new homes.
Another reason to be sad I am not going to Sock Summit ::cries quietly behind her lace hankie:: But please dye more and give us the link to your Etsy shop. Well done, you! Living your passion, not just living out the days -- hurrah!
squeee! Wheeeee! yay! yay! yay! I am so sad that I cannot go to sock summit. boo. But boy has big needs this weekend. So happy for you ! Hooray! hhooooooorerraaay!
Congratulations!! How wonderful to be able to combine earning a living with doing what you love... win-win!
How far is Twisted from The Governor Hotel? I'm going to a wedding there on September 5th... I wonder if I can sneak a quick visit in during the reception?
YAY EVIL TWIN!!!!Squeeeeeeeee!
But I can't possibly reach the table from here! Hurry up and open that shop! ;) Well done!!!
Funny, reading the previous comments I also thought you were going to tell us you were pregnant :)
Congratulations! I am looking forward to having some of my own to work with. Let us know when your etsy shop is stocked and ready. I wish I could go to Sock Summit but sadly it was not in the cards this year.
Glad you will have more time for dyeing. 3 skeins of your yarn came home with me from Sock Summit and I'm in love with it so will be looking for more!
I already knew this - it's how I found out about your blog. I love your yarn! I made the most amazing socks with your Foxtrot in the Precious Metals colorway. If your operation ever gets so big that you need to hire an assistant, let me know!
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