Well, we may not have Cancer Kitty after all. The biopsy came back negative - no sign of any cancerous growth. The vet is stumped why there might be a large, firm, painless lump on her leg, growing in size, that isn't some kind of tumor. It's definitely not an abscess. The current theory is scar tissue? Either that or some kind of error or weirdness in the biopsy.
So it's either:
1) wait and see
2) surgically remove the whole damn thing and send that all in for another biopsy
Poor kitty. She did manage to get the cone off once (but I was right by) and I let her have a grooming session as long as she didn't lick her hind leg. She was fairly rabid about getting her feet washed. I think she rustles about sometimes at 4 am just to get back at us for making her wear it.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Frances the cat went to the vet this week because she had a lump on her leg. We're waiting to hear back on the biopsy results, which should come sometime this week. The worst part is that I felt the lump before but successfully argued myself out of taking her, thinking it was just a bone or muscle or something. She hates going to the vet and I hate taking her. But it's gotten bigger.
So I haven't felt much like blogging lately, or doing much of anything.
And I've got a pissed off cat because she's got to wear a cone for 2 weeks until the biopsy incision heals. Fortunately she seems to have forgiven us the vet visit. Or maybe she just wanted some of that salmon we had for dinner (she was successful in cadging a couple bites).
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
We're attending a wedding in Monterey. I am really, really hoping it will be low-key because I don't know how well I can handle high strungedness right now. I might just snap and garrote someone with the sock yarn (it's part nylon for extra strength). I'd stop by and say hi but I didn't plan ahead. Also I have never been to that area so I'm looking forward to wandering around the tidepools like the social hermit I am, although K the Love Monkey is coming along as well because I need a beer partner. Well and because he was invited too. We just celebrated our second anniversary this week. Yay us.
I leave you with the Doner Kebab of Doom. Really, doesn't it look evil? It was perched on that tray, a single tv tray with nothing else on it or around it, on the sidewalk in downtown Portland. Everyone was avoiding it, like it had an aura.
If you get too close it may eat your fingers.
I leave you with the Doner Kebab of Doom. Really, doesn't it look evil? It was perched on that tray, a single tv tray with nothing else on it or around it, on the sidewalk in downtown Portland. Everyone was avoiding it, like it had an aura.

Saturday, August 02, 2008
I'm really not a gadge person but this whole camera-in-a-phone is an endless source of amusement. These 2 I snapped around town.

Someone really likes The Godfather

The name of the company is "Graybar" but someone stole part of the sign. I couldn't stop giggling every time I walked by. Why yes, I am 5.
I took part of my sandwich home from dinner the other night and look what K did to it.

I think today may be raspberry currant jam day.

Someone really likes The Godfather

The name of the company is "Graybar" but someone stole part of the sign. I couldn't stop giggling every time I walked by. Why yes, I am 5.
I took part of my sandwich home from dinner the other night and look what K did to it.

I think today may be raspberry currant jam day.
Friday, August 01, 2008
K is for Koi
e.g. Overgrown goldfish. But they're sure pretty, the big moochers.

K is also for Keladry of Mindelan, the heroine of a set of novels that I like quite a lot. I just reread them again lately and remembered all over again just how much I enjoy them. Yes, they're fantasy (don't cringe, I can see the Harry Potter on your shelves) -- A 10-year old girl who wants to become a knight and is the first to be allowed to do so.
I just love so much how girls get to *do* things in these books. And it does that without demeaning any other things girls want to do. If you miss the lack of Harry Potters I wholeheartedly suggest these; they're by Tamora Pierce. The first one is named First Test. I think Ms. Pierce is a fantastic storyteller. She's written many other books but these ones are my favorites; I don't know why but I just get wrapped up in the story and characters.

Oh sure, flick your tail at me, you debutante.

K is also for Keladry of Mindelan, the heroine of a set of novels that I like quite a lot. I just reread them again lately and remembered all over again just how much I enjoy them. Yes, they're fantasy (don't cringe, I can see the Harry Potter on your shelves) -- A 10-year old girl who wants to become a knight and is the first to be allowed to do so.
I just love so much how girls get to *do* things in these books. And it does that without demeaning any other things girls want to do. If you miss the lack of Harry Potters I wholeheartedly suggest these; they're by Tamora Pierce. The first one is named First Test. I think Ms. Pierce is a fantastic storyteller. She's written many other books but these ones are my favorites; I don't know why but I just get wrapped up in the story and characters.

Oh sure, flick your tail at me, you debutante.
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