Friday, August 01, 2008

K is for Koi

e.g. Overgrown goldfish. But they're sure pretty, the big moochers.

K is also for Keladry of Mindelan, the heroine of a set of novels that I like quite a lot. I just reread them again lately and remembered all over again just how much I enjoy them. Yes, they're fantasy (don't cringe, I can see the Harry Potter on your shelves) -- A 10-year old girl who wants to become a knight and is the first to be allowed to do so.

I just love so much how girls get to *do* things in these books. And it does that without demeaning any other things girls want to do. If you miss the lack of Harry Potters I wholeheartedly suggest these; they're by Tamora Pierce. The first one is named First Test. I think Ms. Pierce is a fantastic storyteller. She's written many other books but these ones are my favorites; I don't know why but I just get wrapped up in the story and characters.

Oh sure, flick your tail at me, you debutante.

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