Sunday, March 15, 2009

The weather in Wales

Yesterday it was cold, raining, and the wind was shaking the trees. It was the kind of day that I always pictured would be what the weather in Wales was like all the time (I perhaps read too much British-isles based fiction when I was a kid. Or at least there were some memorable ones). A far cry from this:

Yes, proof that I did actually go to Hawaii.

We stayed at a bed & breakfast on Maui, a real lovely place, just my speed. Plus, um, gorgeous?

I actually relaxed and enjoyed myself a whole lot more when skinny women in bikinis weren't walking around everywhere. I don't do resorts well. I know, need to just get over myself. Well bleh!

Black sand beach (well, more like black rock) on the east side of Maui. There were tiny black crabs crawling around those rocks

Look, I lived in Southern California for a bit so I'm not one to ogle palm trees, but this was a particularly nice specimen.

I came back with a spotty sunburn (stupid rubbed-off sunscreen), a bunch of mosquito bites (bleh), and the wish I could have spent a few more days swimming in the ocean. It was fantastic.

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