Sunday, June 03, 2012


I didn't grow this one; just took the picture. I think dahlias are gorgeous, but they are too much work for me. Not really into digging up bulbs (says the person with a dozen mum babies that need to be pinched and fertilized and sung to softly)

 Also, does anyone need any daylilies? Because I divided this clump and now I've got extras and they're all growing and healthy. I've never divided daylilies before. You have to just cut right through the big clump of root; just saw it apart. I thought for sure I'd killed them, but no, all of them not only survived, but thrived (stayin' alive! purple beehive!)

I appear to be somewhat plant-obsessed this year. I'm feeling like I need to do at least just one thing right; carry through on at least one activity. I feel perpetually behind on my whole life, and I just keep getting older and behinder. Not to mention how impotent I feel about affecting all the things that seem to be wrong with the world.

I have a ridiculous amount of yarn that I'm not even knitting. I'm making a concerted attempt to cut the stash, but it seems almost insurmountable. I don't feel ruthless enough. Which makes it all just worse. Hmph. So I guess it comes down to that I just have to bull through and just try and change ME. And at this point in time, that seems to be following through on the plants.

My, does that sounds pointless. Well, at least I got the laundry done yesterday. Small victories.

Oh dogwood, my dogwood


kmkat said...

Daylilies are indestructible. Perfect plant for a lazy gardener like me.

kitten said...

You get the gardening down to a science and then you move on to the next thing - the stash, the house, whatever.
(Also, I hate Blogger's commenting system. Just sayin'.)

Joan said...

Oh, the dogwood-- I think it is what I miss most from the Pacific Northwest! Keep gardening, it is good for the soul. And cut back on the "shoulds". If it's important, it will get done. The other stuff should be prioritized by how happy it makes you.

So says the woman who is never happier than when buying (more) yarn.

Knittripps said...

I totally relate. Yup.